Managing Diabetes and Vision Health
Nearly one in ten people is estimated to have diabetes, according to a 2014 report from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Nearly one in ten people is estimated to have diabetes, according to a 2014 report from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Have you ever wondered if you see color the same way others do? Take this fun test and compare your score!
As you age, we want to help you see your best. This is the fourth post in our four-part series on age-specific eye health concerns.
The right frames can be just plain cool. What’s “right”? Depends on the direction you want to take it!
Our practice goal is to help our patients see their very best, at any age. Today, we’re continuing our series on age-specific eye health concerns. Middle age is often when people start to notice a difference in their vision.
Car accidents are the leading cause of death for Americans under age 35. How can you protect yourself and the ones you love?
It’s actually quite amazing how easily our eyes and brain can be tricked! We see things that aren’t there, see completely stable things move, and are confused by how big something is (or isn’t)! And by the way… The image above is NOT animated.
Have you ever been staring up at the blue sky, or at a blank, bright surface, and suddenly noticed that your view is interrupted by unusual shapes that seem to be floating around?
Eyeglasses don’t age quite as well as wine and cheese. Wear-and-tear is guaranteed to take a toll on your frames. Vintage may be “in” right now, but know the signs that indicate it’s probably time to consider new frames.
During pregnancy, many women experience changes in their eyesight. Are you one of them? You may find that your contact lenses aren’t quite doing the trick. Or maybe you’re having a harder time focusing on things far away.