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November Is Diabetes Awareness Month

November is National Diabetes Month! Help us spread awareness about this ever-growing disease, and help show support for those whose lives are impacted by it!

Diabetes Contributes To A Number Of Eye Problems


People with diabetes are 40% more likely to suffer from glaucoma than people without the disease.


Although many people without diabetes develop cataracts at some point in their life, those with diabetes are 60% more likely to get cataracts. Cataracts also tend to develop earlier, and progress faster, if you have diabetes.


Blood vessels flowing to the retina may be impaired and damaged by high levels of blood sugar. Diabetic retinopathy accounts for 12% of all new cases of blindness in the US. It is also the leading cause of blindness for people ages 20 to 64 years.

We Have Experience Treating Diabetes

Dr. Wilson has experience in evaluating the health of diabetics’ eyes for more than 30 years. Dr. Sammons brings the newest ideas as a 2014 graduate of Indiana University School of Optometry. This experience allows us to accurately determine when referral to a retinal specialist is appropriate. Our relationship with Dr. Jody Brown in Pikeville and Retinal Consultants in various WV cities is an extremely important part of our diabetic response team. Early detection is the key to successful treatment. In recent years, we have experienced dramatic improvement in treatments that our retinal specialist partners can offer. Have a loved one who has diabetes and has not had a thorough dilated eye health examination in more than a year? Call our practice at 304-235-2020. We stand ready to help!

What Are You Doing In The Practice This Month To Raise Awareness?

Dr. Shawn Sammons has participated in the Annual Diabetic Health Fair at the SouthSide Mall on November 5. He visited with nearly 100 attendees describing the risks of diabetic eye disease and the importance of personal responsibility for maintaining a regular exercise and diet program. We will be making additinal posts to our Social Media page to educate as many visitors as possible about the serious risks of diabetic eye disease and the importance of regular eye health exams here at Wilson EyeCare…The Tug Valley Areas exclusive Vision Source!

Our practice is committed to providing the most thorough diabetic eye examinations in the Tug Valley Area. We have invested in extremely sophisticated technologies that virtually eliminate guesswork regarding the presence of any diabetic eye disease. Optomap allows us to view the tiniest of blood vessels even in the most peripheral parts of the retina. Cirrus OCT allows us to view every layer of the retina for the earliest signs of retinal swelling. We not only communicate these findings to you in easy to understand terms, but also report our findings to your personal physician. This allows your doctor to better customize your treatment plan to your individual situation. Wilson EyeCare is your Vision Source for the most up-to-date diabetic eye care available today!

Most of us know at least one person who is affected by these diseases. If you have a friend, family member, neighbor, or coworker who has diabetes or periodontitis, share this information with them! It’s essential that they understand the relationship between these two things—and, what they can do to help improve their situation.

Thank you for your trust in our practice!